Pack the stands! Come to the gym and support the Lady Owls!
11 months ago, Hayley Garcia
Pack the stands and cheer on the Lady Owls!
11 months ago, Hayley Garcia
game day reagan county vs colorado city 10/11/12 @ home gym
Pack up your noise makers and head to Kermit, it's game day!
11 months ago, Hayley Garcia
game day walton field at 7:30 reagan county vs kermit
Varsity Football Reagan County @ Kermit Friday, 9/29 @ 7:30pm Tickets purchased at the gate Live stream option is available but there will be a fee.
11 months ago, Kyle Brown
Come out and support the LADY OWLS today for their first district game against Sterling City! Games start at 4:00.
12 months ago, Hayley Garcia
Homecoming practice will be in the high school gym at 9:00!
12 months ago, Hayley Garcia
Homecome PRACTICE delayed until further notice. Thank you!
12 months ago, Hayley Garcia
Seniors! Please do not forget to get your field trip permission slip signed and returned to Mrs. Whiteker by Tuesday, September 19th. We will be going to a Career, College, and Military fair on Thursday, September 21st. Thank you, Mrs. Whiteker
12 months ago, Sydnee Whiteker
FRESHMAN PARENTS and STUDENTS!! Please make sure to join my Remind using the code 8fegdh for important grade level announcements. ALSO, all Freshman have been given a sign up form for their Freshman Meeting with the counselor. Please fill these out ASAP and return them back to school. You can also send me a picture through Remind if that is easiest! I look forward to meeting and hearing from you all! Thank you, Mrs. Whiteker
12 months ago, Sydnee Whiteker
Sign up Sheet
Sign up Sheet
Reagan County homecoming will hold a homecoming court practice Friday morning at 8 am procedures and process. This practice will include club sweethearts and beaus, dukes and duchesses , king and queens and all parents. As incorrect, non-finalized, information has circulated, parents of all homecoming court and representative will be allowed an escort down the field during the homecoming ceremony. As previously posted, during the parade, students will no longer be able to be present on hoods on all moving vehicles. Due to safety concerns, this decision was made by administration. We appreciate your support and cooperation for this event. As always, Go Owls.
12 months ago, Hayley Garcia
Let's pack this stands this Friday for our Homecoming game against the Iraan Braves! Wear blue and gold and get in FREE!!
12 months ago, Hayley Garcia
pack the stads free admission to owl fans wearing blue and gold homecoming ceremony 7 kickof 7:30
Parents/Guardians, please join us for our Annual Title I, Part A Parent Meeting. We will explain the requirements of Title I and provide a description of all services related to school and parent activities, including distributing and discussing the parental involvement policy, school-parent compact, yearly district calendar, STAAR testing calendar, assessments, and proficiency levels; seek suggestions for improving student academic achievement; and explain your right to be involved in the Title I program. This meeting will be held in person at 10:00 AM on September 26, 2023, at Reagan Co. Elementary and via Zoom at 5:30 P.M. A meeting in Spanish will be offered at 10:00 A.M. on September 27, 2023, also at Reagan Co. Elementary. Time: Sep 26, 2023, 05:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 712 0100 7574 Passcode: 7SxmaT
12 months ago, Liz Rivero
Padres/tutores, por favor acompáñenos a la reunión anual de padres de Título I, Parte A. Explicaremos los requisitos del Título I y proporcionaremos una descripción de todos los servicios relacionados con la escuela y las actividades de los padres, incluyendo la distribución y discusión de la póliza de participación de los padres, el pacto entre la escuela y los padres, el calendario anual del distrito, el calendario de pruebas STAAR, las evaluaciones y los niveles de competencia; buscar sugerencias para mejorar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes; y explicar su derecho a participar en el programa Título I. Esta reunión se llevará a cabo en español a las 10:00 a.m. el 27 de septiembre de 2023, en la escuela primaria Reagan Co. Elementary.
12 months ago, Liz Rivero
Come out and support the lady owls! Duals start at 4:00!
12 months ago, Hayley Garcia
game day lady owls vs iraan and christoval tuesday 9/12 at home gym 4-7
dual schedule
Come out and support the Lady Owls!
12 months ago, Hayley Garcia
game day lady owls vs iraan tuseada 9/12 at home gym, 5 & 6 pm
HOMECOMING IRAAN(2-1) VS REAGAN COUNTY(2-1) @7:30PM TICKETS are sold online only @
12 months ago, Kyle Brown
Seniors! Do you have a 3.5 GPA or higher? Follow the link below to apply for some scholarships. This link is also available on our Senior Google Classroom! Come see Mrs. Whiteker if you have any questions!
12 months ago, Sydnee Whiteker
If you can't make it tonight to Crane, you can listen live @ No live stream. Go OWLS!!!!
12 months ago, Kyle Brown
Thinking about enlisting into the Marines and also continue your band career? Check this scholarship out!
12 months ago, Sydnee Whiteker has put together a list of scholarships for Texas students! Follow the link listed for a list full of scholarship opportunities!
12 months ago, Sydnee Whiteker