El Distrito Escolar Independiente del Condado de Reagan desea invitar a los padres a asistir a nuestra Reunión de Padres de Título I, el viernes 27 de septiembre a las 9:00 a.m. en la sala del consejo en la escuela, High School. Durante la reunión hablaremos acerca de la Póliza de Participación de Padres y Familias, el Compacto de Padres y Estudiantes, Revisaremos la Póliza del Distrito de Título I y Evaluaremos la eficacia de nuestros Programas de Participación de Padres.
almost 5 years ago, Eric Hallmark
Tie-dye Tuesday
almost 5 years ago, Hayley Garcia
Dress up day
Dress up days
Dress up days
Dress up days
Grades 3-5 tonight is the night! We have our success meeting tonight at 6:00pm. Dinner will be provided! This is for 3rd-5th grade students and their parents/guardians. It is a family event! We will begin promptly at 6:00pm. You will have a chance to go to the book fair at the end of the meeting! Remember the class with the highest attendance percentage will win a Popsicle party! Also, we will give away 4 $25 gift certificates to the book fair!
almost 5 years ago, Kalum McKay
Reagan County ISD would like to invite parents to attend our Title I Parent Meeting on Monday, September 23rd at 7:00 AM or 5:00 PM in the School Board Room at the High School. During the meeting we will discuss the Parent and Family Engagement Policy, Parent and Student Compact, Review District title I Policy, and Evaluate the effectiveness of our Parent Involvement Programs.
almost 5 years ago, Eric Hallmark
'Merica Monday
almost 5 years ago, Hayley Garcia
dress up days
dress up days
dress up days
It is a busy week here at RCISD! Don't forget to check the events section of the app/webpage to stay current on what's happening at RCISD.
almost 5 years ago, Hayley Garcia
*MIDDLE SCHOOL FOOTBALL GAME CHANGES* THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 19 7th grade @ home vs Eldorado 5:00 (followed by the JV) 8th grade @ McCamey vs McCamey 5:00 THURSDAY OCTOBER 17 7th grade @ Wink vs Van Horn 5:00 8th grade @ Wink vs Wink 6:30
almost 5 years ago, Hayley Garcia
Homecoming Dress Up Days: 'Merica Monday- Wear Red, White, & Blue Tie-Dye Tuesday-Wear Tie Dye Hawaiian Wednesday- Wear Hawaiian Safari Thursday- Wear Camo/Animal Print (Middle School wear Blue and Gold) Blue & Gold Friday- Wear Blue & Gold
almost 5 years ago, Hayley Garcia
dress up days
RCHS students showing their school spirit!
almost 5 years ago, Hayley Garcia
Dont forget to come out and support the owls today! The Pep Rally luau 🏝 will begin at 3:15, and the game will start at 7:30. Remember this game will be live broadcast at conchosportslive.com! GO OWLS!!
almost 5 years ago, Hayley Garcia
pep rally2
pep rally
pep rally3
Attention parents and guardians grades 3-5. A note that looks like the one below should have come home today, if not, your child may have it with them tomorrow. This is an event we are very excited about. Please plan on attending! Thank you for all of your support!
almost 5 years ago, Kalum McKay
Elementary T-Shirt orders are due Friday, September 6th. Be sure to get your order turned in for an awesome shirt!
almost 5 years ago, Kalum McKay
order form
Middle School Pep Rally tomorrow at 3:30 in the gym. Please come support our student athletes, band and cheerleaders. Go OWLS!
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Brown
Pep Rally Pics! Let's Go Owls!!!
about 5 years ago, Hayley Garcia
varsity football
Pep Rally pics
pep rally pics
pep rally pics
*Class of 2020* The first Project Graduation meeting will be on Sept 9th at 7:30 in the high school gym foyer. This meeting is for all seniors and parents. Officer elections will be held, and ticket sales will be discussed!
about 5 years ago, Hayley Garcia
*Attention Veterans and Senior Citizens* RCISD is offering district activity passes for veterans and senior citizens. The pass will allow free entry to any home game or event. Please go by central office located at the high school campus to pick up your pass!
about 5 years ago, Hayley Garcia
Decals with Dads: Wed Aug 28th, Field House, @ 5:30
about 5 years ago, Hayley Garcia
decals with dads
Volleyball update: We will play one Varsity game at 4 pm in Crane on Friday, August 30th. JV games have been cancelled.
about 5 years ago, Rene Valeriano
Due to some scheduling conflicts we will move up our pep rally time to 1:40 pm this Friday August 30, 2019. In this manner, we hope to accommodate our volleyball team that will travel to Crane for a 3:30 game. We hope to see you there.
about 5 years ago, Rene Valeriano
The RC OWLS football game on September 6th against Ballinger will be live streamed through Concho Sports at conchosports.com! There will be no charge for this game. Also, RCISD will no longer charge for any Middle School sporting events! LETS GO OWLS!!
about 5 years ago, Hayley Garcia
Concho Sports Network